I am
here to narrate a tale, a tale of victory overshadowed by an assassination.
Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, committee for eradication of
superstitions, fought for 18 years a battle to bring in an act against superstitions.
The committee is better known as ‘ANIS’, acronym of its colloquial name.
before I begin let me put into perspective where we are from. We are from
Maharashtra, a state in India with Mumbai as its capital.
was in 1989 that Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, gave up medical practice and formed
the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, committee for eradication of
superstitions. The committee is well known as ANIS, its acronym in vernacular.
The aim was obvious in the name. From thereon began a war with many battles won
and a few lost.
has been fighting and exposing god men and charlatans, challenging their
miracles. The prize money of 30,000$ to whoever proves a supernatural claim
remains intact for past 29 years.
have fought astrologers, soothsayers and people selling ‘lucky’ gems, ‘Feng
Shui’, ‘Vastushastra’ etc: It’s a long list and the challenges are unending.
have picked up and pecked at irrationalities in festivities. India is a land of
festivals. We just through the ten day long festival dedicated to the elephant
headed god Ganesh. At the culmination of the festival, Ganesha idols are
immersed in water. ANIS has been successfully molding public opinion urging
people to use mud idols rather than plaster of Paris ones. The mud idols dissolve
in the water bodies. While the plaster of Paris ones are an environmental
hazard often clogging springs at the bottom of the water bodies. ANIS has also
worked hard to make Diwali celebrations free of noise pollution.
has been at work trying to inculcate scientific temper
in school kids through a competitive examination. These questions are not
directly based on the texts but rather test the student’s ability to apply
these ideas.
We work for casteless matrimony. In India cast forms the very
basis of finding a suitable match. ANIS believes that caste is the biggest of
We have a monthly publication, the ‘ANIS Vartapatra’. I must tell
you that my translation of Richard Dawkins’, ‘Magic of Reality’ has commanded
the largest readership in recent years.
As we challenged superstitions and miracles and god men and god
women; as we tried to bring them to book; we garnered large experience and
became well conversant with the lacuna in the system. Fighting exploitation,
sexploitation, inhuman rites and rituals, fighting powerful self professed men
of religion with brainwashed followers aplenty, is no easy go. The keepers of
the law and public order themselves were genuflecting in front of these miracle
men. They often had a soft comer for these so called ‘sadhus’ and helped them
with loopholes in the law; sought to weaken the evidence or tampered with it to
suit the culprits.
Democracy also means that
public figures will usually toe the popular line. For the fear of alienating
potential voters ANIS rarely received strong political backing. More often than
not, community leaders are hand in glove with these charlatans. We also
realized that the judiciary too had a limited insight into the problem and often
went by the letter, rather than the spirit of the law. Few understood that
superstitions formed the very core of many crimes.
Under such circumstances we demanded an anti superstition act. Many
hardly saw any role for legal succor. Most believed that literacy, education
and affluence will usher in the awakening necessary and the evil, inhuman,
ghastly practices will vanish… miraculously.
However in our experience the existing laws were woefully
inadequate to deal with certain peculiar situations. We did try. In certain
situations we invoked the Drugs & Magic Remedies Act, but we found that it
was limited to objectionable advertisements. The punishment is almost notional and
conviction was really very difficult.
The Indian Penal Code also provides for punishment against ‘cheating’.
But ‘cheating’ was mostly understood to be financial losses in a ponzee scheme
and investigating agencies, courts and the executive rarely If ever interpreted
it more broadly than this and simply refused to apply it to religious
Often when persons claimed miracle cure we lodged a complaint
under the Medical Practitioners Act. But the act deals mainly with the
misdemeanor of the ‘registered’, ‘qualified’ Medical practitioners. While the
act reined in qualified persons from making outlandish claims it had no powers
to stop others from claiming anything, right from cure for AIDS or Cancers. I
must mention that Maharashtra now has an act against bogus doctors.
was on 8th August 1989; almost thirty years ago that The Committee for
Eradication of Superstitions was formed. Soon thereafter ANIS put forward the
demand for an act. There thus began a long, treacherous, arduous, painfully slow
journey to get this act passed through the legislature. The demand for this Act
was signed by noted litterateur P. L. Deshpande, as the first signatory.
1991 the first draft was presented to the government.
happened even after eight long years of demand and protests. In 1999,
government promised enactment within two years. Nothing materialized. A day
long sit in protest at Mumbai was held. A fresh assurance was all that the
government had to offer.
2003 things appeared to be moving. The then Chief Minister Mr. Sushilkumar
Shinde suggested that the name of the act be changed to ‘Eradication of Evil
Practices and Black Magic Act’; rather than ‘Anti-Superstition Act’. This was
to stem long, fruitless, philosophical debates about what is ‘belief’ and what
is ‘superstition’.
cabinet approved that on 4th of August 2003. On 15th of August, the Indian
Independence Day, the same year, government flashed advertisements claiming to
be the first state in India to pass a progressive act such as this. However the
necessary next step of tabling the act in the legislature and getting it passed
by majority never happened. The act was never tabled in the house.
next year (30th November 2004) the Chief Minister assured enactment in the
upcoming winter session of the assembly. The state news channels carried this
news prominently.
years later on 13th of April in 2005 when the concerned Minister tried to table
the resolution, rowdy members of the opposition as well as the ruling party,
forced an adjournment and forced the government to postpone the enactment.
July the government readied a watered down version of the Act after prolong
committee meetings with right wing reps and leaders.
December the same year the Legislative Assembly passed the act but it was never
taken up and never tabled in the Legislative Council which is The Upper House
continued many luminaries from various fields in the state wrote to the Chief
Minister and his Deputy both replied and assured action.
2007 the upper house demanded a whetting by a joint legislative review
committee. This was nothing but procrastination.
act was all the time on the agenda of the house but only just, it was never
officially tabled. Certain religious groups kept protesting and over 20 changes
were made to pacify them. Come April
2013, the cabinet approved the act for the sixth time. In July the same year
the committee published a ‘black paper’ as opposed to a white paper exposing
the tactics and doublespeak of the rulers.
and its volunteers boldly faced a backlash throughout the agitation. ANIS was
deliberately misquoted, a misinformation campaign was unleashed, propaganda
drummed up, mass hysteria was whipped up with overt and covert support of the
ruling as well as opposition representatives. ANIS was accused of being an
agent of the West, funded by western powers. We run exclusively on voluntary
donations and our accounts are transparent.
Spurious complaints in hundreds generated a litany of court cases
wrecking the organization’s finances. Threats, attacks, disruptions of
rationalist meetings continued to foul the atmosphere. But we pressed on,
through democratic, nonviolent, constitutional, yet novel means of protests.
slapped themselves to highlight the insensitivity of the government. Letters
signed in our own blood were sent and volunteers fasted for days together.
There were sit-in protests, marches, signature campaigns and street plays.
came to such a head that on 20th August 2013, the Founder president of the organization
Dr. Narendra Dabholkar was assassinated while on a morning stroll. Two young
assailants came riding a bike and shot three bullets at close range killing him
instantly. They are yet to be traced…!
assassination shocked everyone, proponents and opponents alike. It led to
something unprecedented. All of a sudden, there was a groundswell of support
for the ideas and ideals of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar. Less than a week from this fateful incidence
the government issued an ordinance declaring its firm intent to bring in the
19th of December 2013 the Legislative Council finally passed the resolution by
voice vote and the ordinance became a law. An 18 years long struggle finally
came to fruition but with the loss of the person who toiled most.
This act has a schedule listing twelve specific
deeds, the practice, propagation or promotion of which is a cognizable and non
bailable offence. It provides for an appointment of Vigilance Officer at police
Stations to look into contraventions of the act. These officers are expected to
be proactive. The act provides for imprisonment for up to 7 years for the first
also lists practices clearly out of the ambit of the act, deeds that are not deemed to be
black magic, inhuman or ‘Aghori’ practices, to prevent any misinterpretation of
the law that might restrict religious freedom. This list was whetted by former justice of the
Supreme Court Mr. P. B. Sawant.
had provided a longer list and what we have is just 12 items as against more
than fifty that were proposed. This was to
ensure that religious rites and practices that cause no mental physical and
financial harm to the individuals do not come under the purview of this act.
go through the list of offences.
1. According to the act to
whiplash, to suffocate with fumes, to otherwise cause pain or harm, to force exhibitionist
sexual act, to make one consume excreta; so as to exorcise the person; is a
2. It denounces display of so
called miracles to earn money, deceive or defraud or terrorize people as a
3. Following any inhuman or ‘Aghori’
practice to receive blessings of a ‘supernatural power’ is a crime.
4. Performing acts, including
human sacrifice, to divine water, to seek hidden treasure, etc: is a violation
of the act.
5. Claims of, having been possessed
by a power inapprehensible by the senses, thereby threatening evil consequences
if the wishes of such a person are declined, is a crime.
6. Canvassing powers of
witchcraft, black magic; claiming to diminish milk yield in cattle by such
powers; declaring someone a witch or ‘Satan’ incarnate, claiming that the
person brings misfortune, illness or such other troubles is an offence.
7. Ostracizing, boycotting,
parading a person naked in public is a crime.
8. Invoking ghosts, souls
through chants of Mantra; claiming wrath of powers inapprehensible by the
senses; preventing a person from seeking medical treatment under such guise causing physical or financial harm; is a
9. Preventing a person with a
dog/ snake or Scorpion bite, from seeking medical aid, by offering cure through
chants, amulets etc is a crime.
10. Claiming to perform
surgery with bare hands, claiming to change the sex of the fetus in utero is a
crime as well.
11. Claiming to be a couple or
paramour in an earlier incarnation or offering to treat infertility and thereby
sexually exploiting a person, is a crime.
12. To claim Supernatural
powers on behalf of a mentally challenged person and thus exploiting others is
a crime.
crucial changes were agreed upon and the current version of the act allows only
the affected person or family to complain.
been 5 years that we have the act. In the last 5 years more than five hundred complaints
have been registered. Ten cases have completed the due process of law and all
the accused have been pronounced guilty, which is 100% conviction rate.
have been filed across all religions and castes. The act is thus not anti Hindu,
it is just anti-exploitation.
than half the victims are women. Indicating how women remain at the lowest rung
of the social ladder and are easy prey. The act helps women's emancipation.
and likeminded organizations have demanded similar law in ten other states and
a central act as well.
is already in place in neighboring Karnataka.
next plans to challenge pseudoscience, especially pseudo medicine.
The charlatans have changed their stance as
well. Hardly does anybody claim miracles in Maharashtra. But claims of afterlife
and the pleasures in heaven, of Moksh and Mukti remain to be tackled.
medicine is now disguised as ‘Ayurveda’ the ancient Indian practice of medicine.
than a year from today, in August 2019, the committee, ANIS, turns 30! We are
planning a grand celebration and an international conference and I extend my
invitation to all of you. The conference is scheduled in Mumbai, on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday; 9th 10th and 11th of August 2019. The session on Friday
will be for the international faculty. So welcome one and all. Thank you so